Morogoro has a huge potential of
producing more coffee than Kilimanjaro and Arusha regions combined, thus
attracting authorities to revamp the crop.
This follows joint intervention of
Tanzania Coffee Board (TCB) and Tanzania Coffee Research Institute
(TaCRI), an effort explained to have direct impact on the region’s
economic status for their joint effort.
Before the intervention,
Morogoro Regional Administrative Secretary (RAS), Mr Eliya Ntandu said
coffee farmers in his region used to uproot coffee trees and replace
them with fast growing food crops.
He told TCB Regional Coffee Development
Officer, Mr Martin Malulu, that the region was facing a serious problem
of data collection.
He said it was difficult to assess yearly coffee
production trends and much less the exact number of coffee growers in
the region.
Mr Malulu told the RAS that his specific
mission was to assess coffee farmers’ needs with the objective of
identifying opportunities and challenges which coffee farmers in
Morogoro were currently facing.
He said Morogoro Region has the
potential of producing bigger volumes of coffee than what was produced
in “Arusha and Kilimanjaro regions combined”.
“TCB was keen at encouraging and
educating coffee farmers on the economic importance of the crop which
has to be revived in areas with fertile soils, Morogoro being one of
those areas,” he remarked.
Source: The Daily News,, reported by Peter Temba in Kilimanjaro
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