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TRA to boss, Harry Kitilya |
Revenue collection excluding Local Government Authorities
(LGAs) own sources was 887.5bn/-, 38.1 per cent higher than the target for June
this year, largely due to a number of measures adopted by the Tanzania Revenue
Authority (TRA).
The Bank of Tanzania (BoT) monthly economic review for the
year ending June show that tax revenue amounted to 753.3bn/-, 22.3 per cent
higher than the target.
Also, intensified tax
audits, recoveries of tax arrears and implementation of electronic fiscal
device (EFD) enforcement programmes contributed significantly to the
outstanding performance of revenue collection.
Non-tax revenue was 97.2 per cent of the target for the
period. Domestic revenue excluding LGAs own sources was 17.9 per cent of Gross
Domestic Product (GDP) compared to the target of 17.2 per cent for the year
Similarly, grants amounted to 1,619.4bn/-, compared to the
projected amount of 2,717.9bn/-. In 2011/12, domestic revenue excluding LGAs
own sources was 7,056.6bn/-, 4.1 per cent higher than the target for the year.
Tax revenue was 4.8 per cent higher than the target and accounted for 98 per
cent of total domestic revenue.
During June 2012, total expenditure was 1,911.8bn/-,
comprising of recurrent expenditure 1,248.7bn/- and development expenditure
The cumulative expenditure for 2011/12 amounted to 10,279.9bn/- or 81.3
per cent of the estimate. Out of the total, recurrent expenditure was
6,929.6bn/- and development expenditure 3,350.3bn/-, equivalent to 89.8 per
cent and 68.0 per cent of the period estimates, respectively.
The government budgetary operation for 2011/12 resulted in
an overall deficit of 1,796.9bn/-. This was financed by net foreign loans of
1,471.3bn/- and a net domestic borrowing of 325.6bn/-.
During June 2012, total resources, on cheques issued basis,
amounted to 998bn/- while total expenditure was 1,911.8bn/-, resulting in an
overall budget deficit after grants of 400.2bn/-. The deficit was financed
through both domestic and foreign sources.
Source: The Daily News, http://www.dailynews.co.tz, reported by Sebastian Mrindoko
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