Statistics from the Ministry of Industry and Trade indicates that the prices for mature male cattle grade (G2) declined to 677,000/- in the week under review compared to 687,000/-, representing a 1.4 per cent change.
Also, the prices for grade three (G3) female cattle recorded a 2.7 per cent change to 421,000/- compared 410,000/- of the previous market.
The prices of female cattle grade (G2) registered a 1.2 per cent fall to 854,000/- in the week under review from 865,000/- of the previous period.
Similarly the prices of male cattle grade (3) registered 0.9 per cent decline to 500,000/- from 505,000/- of the preceding session.
Meanwhile, the supply of goats at the market during the week declined slightly to 5,610 compared to 6,000 of the other session, equivalent to 6.5 per cent fall.
The prices for mature female goat grade two (2) changed to 105,000/- from 90,000/- of the previous week, equivalent to 16.7 per cent. The prices for female goats grade three (3) decreased to 50,000/- from 55,000/- , which is 9.1 per cent fall.
Mature male goats grade two saw its prices falling by 1.7 per cent to 118,000/- from 120,000/- previously while male goats grade three recorded 11.7 per cent price change to 67,000/- from 60,000/- of the preceding marketing period.
Some of the regions which supplied cattle to Pugu market were Dodoma, Arusha, Mwanza, Shinyanga, Kagera, Singida, Mbeya, Musoma and Tabora.
Similarly, the average sales per market day for sheep recorded 7.4 per cent decline to 2,640 from 2,852 supplied in the week before.
The prices for mature male sheep grade (2) increased to 80,000/- from 72,000/- of the previous market which is 11.1 per cent change while female sheep grade (3) saw its prices rising to 45,000/- from 40,000/- of the other market.
Source: Daily News, reported from Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
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