Capital Markets and Securities Authority Chief Executive Officer, Ms Nasama
Massinda, said the number of investors in the stock market increased from
172,806 in 2010 to 180,108 in 2012.
increase resulted from the rise in the number of market players in the
industry,” Ms Massinda told the Parastatals Organizations Accounts Committee
(POAC) when its members visited the CMSA offices in Dar es Salaam.
The Dar es
Salaam Stock Exchange (DSE) key equities market indicator, the domestic market
capitalisation jumped to 2.48tr/- in the last two years compared to 1.62tr/-
recorded in 2010. The total market capitalisation stands at 13.213tr/- of last
market capitalisation, according to money market analysts, allows investors to
understand the relative size of one company or bourse versus another, though
they are not factor in the debt size. This approach, they believe, allows them
to take advantage of the fact that smaller companies or bourses have
historically grown faster but larger companies have more stability and pay
fatter returns or dividends.
Securities Chief Executive Officer Moremi Marwa said if market capitalisation
is going up when there is no new listings or right issues, it makes investors
optimistic that share prices are increasing.
“But when market capitalisation
(for companies or bourse) are climbing down, when there is no new listing or
right issues, investors turn pessimistic,” said Mr Marwa.
Securities’ Research Unit said local investors participated actively in the
market managing to carry out deals worth 97.8bn/- in the first quarter of this
year compared to 89.23bn/- raised between January and March 2012.
Orbit, in
their weekly report ending January 31, announced that foreign investors
injected 2.22bn/- in January compared to 10.77bn/- mobilized in the first quarter
of last year.
market report demonstrates further that the DSE all-share index (DSEI)
increased to 1,491.37 points from 1,298.28 points in January 2012. The Tanzania
share Index (TSI) surged to 1,454.72 points compared to 1,119.32 points
recorded in the corresponding period 2012 according to the index.
‘Daily News’ shows that DSE total market capitalisation spiralled down by
almost 20 per cent following African Barrick Gold (ABG) share price fluctuation
in the London Stock Exchange (LSE) as quoted by FTSE 250.
ABG share price
dropped a fortnight ago when China Gold backed out of sales talks. The share
price tumbled from 444 pence (11,544/-) to 356.80 pence (9,277/-) of last
Friday since the buy-off deal dematerialized.
share price fall sank ABG market capitalisation to 3.804tr/- from 4.734tr/- a
fortnight ago, pulling down the DSE market cap by 930bn/- from total of
13.213tr/-, the miner’s share controlling over one-third of total Dar bourse
market cap.
Mr Marwa said that ABG share price has had a negative impact on the
DSE’s market cap since the deal was put-off, but affecting the economy
marginally since the transactions were done abroad.
impact to DSE is a spiral down effect to only lower market cap... (But) not
economically since shares change hands abroad,” Mr Marwa said.
The expansion of
the Dar’s capital and securities market and the economy as a whole, forced BoT
to change one of its macroeconomic fundamental control policy from targeting
reserve money to interest rates.
BoT Director of Economic Research and Policy, Dr Joe Masawe, said though money
target works its efficiency on expansion economy is not that perfect than
interest rates policy.
“The economy now works at the different era, (thus)
spearheading migration to targeting interest rates from money, which has
positive challenges,” Dr Masawe said.
challenges include developing further the money markets such as Debt Market,
Dar es Stock Exchange and Foreign Exchange Market that normally fluctuate in
either direction on central bank interest rates.
Among them, according to the
immediate former DSE Chief Executive Officer, Mr Gabriel Kitua, lure companies
or government to offload a portion of its stake on the bourse.
government needs to show the way in order to increase market participation in
the bourse,” Mr Kitua told POAC.
To start with, he proposed that the 40 per
cent stakes which the government own in Airtel should now be reduced and be
given to locals through the stock market.
Source: The Daily News,, reported by Abduel Elinaza in Dar es Salaam
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