Tanzania dropped two places to 102nd in Transparency
International’s Corruption Perceptions Index 2012, which has listed 174
However, Tanzania is still the second
least corrupt country in East Africa after Rwanda. Burundi is the most corrupt
country in the region, followed by Kenya and Uganda.
Rwanda retains its status as the
region’s least corrupt country despite dropping one place in the global rankings
to 50th.Uganda, Kenya and Burundi have climbed to 130th, 139th and 165th from
143rd, 154th and 172nd, respectively.
Globally, Denmark is the least corrupt
country, followed by Finland, New Zealand, Sweden and Singapore.
The same
countries were in the top five last year but in different ranks, with New
Zealand being the least corrupt country, followed by Denmark, Finland, Sweden
and Singapore.
The US, China, the UK and Germany are
19th, 80th, 17th and 13th, respectively, this year.
In Africa, Botswana is the least corrupt
country at 30th globally followed by Cape Verde (39th) and Mauritius (43rd).
Efforts to get an immediate reaction
from the minister of State in the President’s Office (Good Governance), Mr
George Mkuchika, to Tanzania’s apparent lack of progress in fighting corruption
were futile after he asked that any queries be submitted to him in writing.
“I am travelling outside the country,
but my principle is that you tell me what you want me to comment on in writing,
and then I reply in writing, complete with my signature,” he said.
But some activists said the findings
were not surprising as the war on graft in the country had grinded to a halt.
“It is not surprising that corruption in
the public sector is getting worse. If the ruling party itself cannot contain
corruption within its own ranks, what do you expect the government to do?”
queried Dr Helen Kijo-Bisimba, Executive Director of the Tanzania Legal and
Human Rights Commission (LHRC).
Mr Moses Kulaba of Agenda Participation
2000, an organisation that raises awareness on corruption, among other issues,
said the public had lost faith in the government as far as fighting corruption
was concerned.
“We must overhaul key institutions such
as the offices of the Director of Public Prosecutions, Director of Criminal
Investigation, Controller and Auditor General and the Public Procurement
Regulatory Authority to make them more effective in fighting corruption,” he
Mr Kulaba added: “The Police Force and
Judiciary must also be overhauled if they are to deal with people who are
presently considered untouchable.
"The Prevention and Combating of Corruption
Bureau’s budget should not be dependent on donors, and neither should the
agency be under the President’s Office.”
Mr Buberwa Kaiza of the Concern for
Development Initiatives in Africa (ForDIA) said the findings mirrored the
corruption situation in the country.
“The PCCB Act needs to be amended to allow
foreign investigators to come in and assist the bureau in investigating serious
cases of corruption,” he said.
Source: The Citizen, thecitizen.co.tz, reported from Dar es Salaam
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