African countries have so far depended
heavily on agriculture for its fortunes with industrialisation being at
its initial stages having little progress over the years except in
emerging economies.
“Building productive capacities to
promote industrialisation and trade in high value products will be a big
contribution towards alleviating poverty and maintaining economic
sustainability,” said Mr Alberic Kacou, the UN Resident Coordinator of
Tanzania during the Africa Industrialisation Day held in Dar es Salaam
last week.
Although Tanzania is likely to achieve
the MDGs on education and gender equality, but it is, however lagging
considerably in attaining goal one on reducing the proportion of
population below basic needs poverty line below 19.5 per cent for the
mainland and 30 per cent in the Isles.
One of the UN Secretary General’s
messages for the Africa industrialisation Day states, “African economies
are among the fastest growing in the world, yet intra-regional trade
accounts only 10 per cent of the continent’s commerce, significantly
less than in other regions.”
It continues to say, “Many constraints
impede trade expansion in Africa: obsolete infrastructure, fragmented
economic space, low production capacities, limited investment financing
and high transaction costs,” Eliminating these obstacles emphasized the
UN Secretary General, is a prerequisite to fully realizing Africa’s
economic potential and helping to address the continent’s socioeconomic
and development challenges
Healthy intra-African trade can free the
Africa from reliance on international aid and improve resilience to
macroeconomic and other external shocks. Tanzania on its part marked the
23rd Africa Industrialization Day with a strong message for both state
and non-state actors to change mindset and work closely to unearth trade
barriers to boost the industrial sector’s contribution on the economy.
The event which was also used to launch
the ‘Tanzania Industrial Competitiveness Report (TICR) - 2012’ that
highlighted among others the present country’s industrial status in
relation to the rest in the East, Southern Africa and Asian region.
“The TICR report is a significant input
and would inspire the current government efforts to help the industrial
sector grow competitively and enhance its contribution to the Gross
Domestic Product (GDP) as well as poverty alleviation,” remarked Dr
Abdallah Kigoda, the Minister of Industry and Trade.
The government has a strong political
will to continue improving conducive and predictable investment climate
to attract capital intensively into the industrial sector to bolster
productivity as a way of ending supply constraint factor.
sector has been contributing enormously to job creation where about 23.7
per cent was generated by Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) development,
the rate that is estimated to grow to between 30 and 40 per cent by
In 2011, the industrial sector
contribution on the country’s exports was 19 per cent and 9.7 per cent
for GDP. Some of the TICR key findings show that 97 per cent of the
country’s manufacturing sector is based on small scale enterprises, with
little emphasis put in value addition, thus making 70 per cent of its
exports being raw materials.
In his opening remarks, the
Confederation of Tanzania Industries (CTI) Chairman, Mr Felix Mosha,
underscored for a swift need to address trade barriers which have been
increasing the cost of doing business in the country.
He called upon the
government to take stern measures to control the influx of substandard
and counterfeit goods, saying that the malpractice would discourage
potential investors in the industrial sector.
The United Nations Industrial
Development Organization (UNIDO) Country Representative, Mr Emmanuel
Kalenzi, said Africa deserves to fetch better value from the market, get
premium returns to investment and transform lives from poverty to
The UN Assembly adopted the Africa
industrialization day, to be celebrated today, in 1989 as a unique
occasion to dialogue with partners on how to domesticate
industrialization in African countries.
Africa is celebrating the
industrial day under the theme, ‘Celebrating Industrialization for
Boosting Intra-Africa trade’ while the continent’s participation in
globe trade has remained very low.
“Africa is good at exporting raw
materials and importing end consumer goods,” said Mr Kalenzi, adding
that, “the practice will never foster efforts to realise the dream of
alleviating abject poverty, unless the dialogue to boost intra-trade is
bolstered.” He cited an example that Tanzania is third largest livestock
producer in Africa and exports hides and skins to India, Italy and
In Tanzania, a consumer buys a finished
product like shoes and jacket by paying all production costs such as
transport, labour and electricity to the foreign manufacturers. “How can
the continent develop under such deals where a consumer pays for every
cost?” he queried.
Source: The Daily News,, reported by Sebastian Mrindoko in Dar es Salaam
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