The Kilombero Plantations Limited (KPL)
in Morogoro Region will add 2,700 farmers for the 2013 season and
facilitate crop financing for 1,500 others in the next three years.
The KPL Chairman, Mr Carter Coleman said
over the weekend that by 2016, KPL aims to have 5,000 farmer families
producing a surplus beyond their own needs of over 13,000 tonnes of rice
KPL, which has invested over
45bn/-(30m US dollars) so far, is the Tanzanian subsidiary of AGRICA is developing
the 5,818 ha Mngeta Farm in the fertile Kilombero Valley, one of the
best agro-eco zones for rice farming in East Africa.
He said that in
2010, KPL brought a System for Rice Intensification (SRI) expert from
India who trained 15 farmer families, who in turn doubled or tripled
their yields, from 2 to 4 and 6 tonnes per hectare equivalent from
quarter acre plots.
However, he said there are smallholder
project challenges where increased production volumes are resulting in
harvesting bottleneck. He said villagers hire neighbours but labour is
scarce and expensive. He said more mini-combines were needed for
villagers saying they would plant more under SRI if they could be
assured of mechanised harvesting
He said that in July and August KPL
bought its first SRI paddy at market price at $466 per tonne; the
equivalent milled rice cost at 65 per cent mill were $847 per tonne
delivered to Dar es Salaam, including district levies. However, he said
unless the price rises, KPL would not be able to make a profit margin on
the smallholder paddy schemes.
He added that unlike sugar, oil palm or
an export crop that relies on a single processor, there are numerous
buyers and many small mills in the Kilombero Valley. Poor infrastructure
remains the biggest challenge, he said.
Lack of government research stations
focusing on local pests and diseases and absence of good seed varieties
and effective agri-chemicals registered in local market were another
problem, he said.
After heavy rains, the road was closed
for two months in 2011, cutting the farms and hundreds of smallholder
farmers from the world during harvest time.
Source: The Daily News,, reported by Orton Kiishweko
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